Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings

Prevention is definitely better than cure, but sometimes despite the best of efforts to maintain your teeth through good oral hygiene, decay may develop.

When you have a cavity, cracked or a broken tooth it needs to be restored back to its normal function and shape with a filling to prevent bacteria from entering.

If a filling is needed we will make it strong and durable.

We can colour match the composite to your existing teeth so your smile can have an attractive, healthier, and natural look.

Need to Know


One appointment.


30-60 minutes.

Recovery Time

24 hours.


To preserve the life of the tooth and most of the tooth structure.


Decay, broken tooth, fracture, wear of tooth, aesthetics, discoloration.

After Appointment

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Frequently Asked Questions

When the dentist discovers a cavity, they will put the area to sleep with an anaesthetic. Once the entire area is numb, the dentist removes all of the decayed tooth. Then they cleans out the area to make sure it is free of bacteria. The tooth is then filled and coated with a white filling that closely resembles your natural tooth color.

The treatment is largely painless due to the anaesthetic that is used. Afterwards the treated area can feel tender and bruised and your tooth can be sensitive. This sensitivity generally subsides over a few days. If you are concerned, please contact us for further advice.
White composite fillings can last for over many years if they are well looked after by both dentist and patient. The following are keys to filling longevity:

  • Eating a healthy diet low in both refined and unrefined sugars - and not snacking.
  • Keeping your mouth clean with regular brushing and flossing.
  • Having regular dental exams and professional teeth cleaning to help remove plaque and calculus that you miss.

While the curing light sets the composite immediately you are advised to refrain from biting hard food on the side for upto 24 hours.

Most fillings such as composite resins, porcelain or glass ionomer are the same colour as tooth and give a natural appearance to the tooth.