Frequently Asked Questions (Dental FAQs)

As part of checkup dental radiographs (x-rays) are done to monitor the state of your teeth, detect cavities and health of supporting structures. A checkup also includes professional teeth cleaning (scaling), which removes tartar and plaque along the gum line, polishes your teeth and removes stains. Aside from checking your teeth and gums, our dentists perform a careful examination of your tongue, inside of lips, cheeks, floor and roof of mouth and throat. This is to look for any signs of trouble – swelling, redness, or possible signs of cancer.
During a normal dental examination, patients are given a complete examination with x-rays and a full inspection of the mouth. Any plaque buildup on the teeth is removed, and the teeth are polished. Finally, when the dental examination and cleaning are finished, the dentist talks with the patient to make recommendations for future treatment. Together, the patient and dentist develop goals for proper oral hygiene and a timeline for future care.
You can take care of your teeth at home by brushing twice daily, watching for signs of periodontal disease and flossing on a regular basis. Following the recommendations of your dentist is also critical for maintaining good dental health.

Your dentist will remove stains from your teeth during the dental examination, however, patients may also schedule a separate teeth whitening procedure for extra white teeth.

Medical and dental experts study the use of X-rays and set limits for their safety. Your dentist should take as few as possible. Expect to get them during a first exam after not seeing a dentist for a while. This helps check tooth and gum health. If you have gum disease, the dentist may want pictures every 6 months. For regular check-ups, it’s about every year, depending on your dentist’s plan.
Regular exams help spot trouble early to prevent bigger and more costly treatments later. A dentist will start by cleaning buildup from your teeth. Then the dentist will probe spots on the surfaces and near the gumline with special tools. If it’s been a while between appointments, you may have some sore and sensitive areas. You should get an exam every 6 months, or more often if your dentist recommends it. Find one who makes you feel at ease and lets you know what to expect. Often the dread of seeing the dentist turns to big relief when the visit is over and you have a care plan set up. Being positive as a parent can help your kids overcome any of their fears.
No, the scale and polish procedure shouldn’t hurt, but you may feel some sensitivity in your teeth during the procedure.
No. A scale and polish will remove stains from the tooth surface but will not lighten the overall colour of your teeth.
Yes, a routine scale and polish will remove plaque from your teeth.
A dental prophylaxis is a cleaning procedure performed to thoroughly clean the teeth. Prophylaxis is an important dental treatment for halting the progression of periodontal disease and gingivitis.
Scaling and root planing involves scraping away tartar from your teeth and under your gum line leaving you with a healthier smile.
When dentist discovers a cavity, they will put the area to sleep with an anesthetic. Once the entire area is numb, the dentist softly removes all of the decayed tooth. Then they cleans out the area to make sure it is free of bacteria. The tooth is then filled and coated with a white filling that closely resembles your natural tooth color.
The treatment is largely painless due to the anaesthetic that is used. Afterwards the treated area can feel tender and bruised and your tooth can be sensitive. This sensitivity generally subsides over a few days. If you are concerned, please contact us for further advice.
White composite fillings can last for over many years if they are well looked after by both dentist and patient. The following are keys to filling longevity: Eating a healthy diet low in both refined and unrefined sugars – and not snacking. Keeping your mouth clean with regular brushing and flossing. Having regular dental exams and professional teeth cleaning to help remove plaque and calculus that you miss.
While the curing light sets the composite immediately you are advised to refrain from biting hard food on the side for upto 24 hours.
Most fillings such as composite resins, porcelain or glass ionomer are the same colour as tooth and give a natural appearance to the tooth.
While the crown does not require special care, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene practice to protect the underlying tooth.
Patients will only need a local anaesthetic to remain comfortable during the crown preparation procedure. Any sensitivity that may occur between your appointments can be dealt with painkiller but in case of severe or prolonged pain please contact us.
The tooth coloured crowns can be shade matched to your existing teeth for best aesthetic result.
Since dental crowns aren’t the natural teeth, they will not last forever. However, they can last a long time if good care is given. Research shows that more than 90% of crowns will be intact for more than five years before any other major treatment is done to them. However, 50 to 80% of crowns will last between 15 and 20 years. Patients should understand that just like the normal tooth, crowns will last as long as good care is adhered to. A dentist will tell you more about the dental hygiene practices to care for your dental crowns and your entire mouth in general.
While you have the temporary crown, avoid chewy and hard food that can dislodged or break the crown. It is also advised to avoid flossing until permanent crown has been cemented.
The root canal treatment is no more uncomfortable than having a normal filling. This treatment helps to relieve the intense pain experienced when the tooth is infected. The local area will be numbed during the treatment, giving you a pain-free experience while the work is done.
An infected tooth can lead to other dental complications, which is why immediate treatment is essential. One alternative to a root canal is to extract the infected tooth. But we encourage patients to save the natural teeth whenever possible. While tooth replacement is available with bridges and implants, nothing is as good as your natural tooth. A root canal treatment allows you to keep your original tooth and avoid extraction. Additionally, a root canal is cheaper compared to the cost of extraction followed by an implant or bridge to replace the tooth.
Some patients may experience tooth pain initially and then it goes away on its own or with the help of antibiotics. Just because it has stopped hurting doesn’t mean it is no longer infected. Root canal treatment is designed to disinfect the inside of the tooth (the source of infection) and stop the spread of infection. Some patients may never experience pain with an infected tooth. In fact, root canal infection is often discovered through routine radiographs and/or clinical examination. The tooth may have a chronic infection that the body has accommodated enough to not have gone beyond the patient’s pain threshold. Prior to performing any root canal, the dentist will thoroughly examine all radiographic and clinical findings to determine if a root canal is indicated.
Infection and inflammation in the nerve of the tooth can occur because of decay or crack that has spread throughout the tooth or a previous large restoration on the tooth. If the infection is left untreated, then it often results in pain and can lead to the formation of an abscess.
Saving your tooth through root canal treatment is less expensive than replacing a missing tooth with a bridge or an implant.

People can have tooth extracted for many reasons. Some of the most common reasons are impacted and infected wisdom teeth, decayed tooth that is unrestorable and tooth injured by trauma.

The first part of the process is to provide a local anaesthetic to ensure that the area is numbed to minimize the discomfort. Then the tooth is loosened using different instruments.
There are several signs that you might need a tooth extraction:
1. There’s not enough room in your mouth for the tooth to emerge
2. A tooth is causing repeated gum infections (periodontitis)
3. A tooth has been damaged beyond repair in an accident
4. The tooth is decayed and causing you pain
5. The tooth no longer provides you with a functioning biting surface
Once the local anesthetic wears off in your mouth, you might have some slight discomfort around the extraction site. Our dentists will prescribe or recommend over-the-counter pain relief to help you recover faster.
It can take up to three to four weeks for the gums to return to complete normalcy. Your oral hygiene practices, general wellbeing, and habits such as smoking can influence the healing time.
Wisdom teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25, which means that many people get their wisdom teeth extracted before they graduate high school. The longer you wait, the more complications may arise.
Wisdom teeth that do not cause you any discomfort and have erupted properly in your mouth are okay to keep. Consult with our practice about the right course of action for your wisdom teeth, because everyone’s teeth are different.
Infected and painful wisdom teeth can cause damage to adjacent teeth and also lead to life threatening infections. Wisdom teeth removal helps to avoid future complications.
Your dentist will perform a full dental examination, including a history of your symptoms and health, assessment of your teeth and gums and dental imagery including x-rays that will confirm the diagnosis of your impacted wisdom teeth.

While wisdom teeth removal is a relatively painless procedure, you will experience minor discomfort after the anaesthetic wears off. We will discuss pain control methods and set you up with any necessary prescriptions ahead of time so that you remain comfortable at home as well.vv

Your false teeth are not designed to last forever. Most full sets of dentures have a life of 8-12 years with 6-8 years for partial dentures.
The short answer is maybe. Your dentist will be able to advise you further depending upon the type of denture.
Depending on the type of denture you receive, you may need to make some changes to your diet to avoid damaging the denture. We encourage you to try a variety of food, carefully, to discover your limits.
To clean and whiten your dentures safely there are a few things you can try. First, gently scrub your dentures with a toothbrush or using soap and water. Toothpaste can be too abrasive on dentures. We recommend store bought denture cleansers to clean your dentures regularly.
We recommend that you take your dentures out at night so your oral tissue has some time to recover.
1. Our team of dental professionals can also answer questions that seniors may have about the impact of certain medications on their oral health.
2. Discuss how to maintain a good oral hygiene regime.
3. Talk about the benefits of an electric toothbrush, water or air flosser, Tooth Mousse, as it applies to you.
4. Discuss various solutions for Ill-fitting dentures.
Geriatrics refers to medical care for older adults, an age group that is not easy to define precisely. “Older” is preferred over “elderly,” but both are equally imprecise; > 65 is the age often used, but most people do not need geriatrics expertise in their care until age 70, 75, or even 80.
As the body ages, it becomes prone to medical conditions. Ageing cannot be prevented, but we can learn how to deal with arising conditions for great health of our loved ones. Most health concerns for the elderly are memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease which impacts the daily oral hygiene practice and hence the quality of life.
Advise your loved one that they should brush their teeth with a toothpaste containing fluoride at least twice a day to help prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Elderly people should use a soft to medium toothbrush. You may have to remind them to replace it when it gets out of shape.
IV sedation is the most customizable form of conscious sedation. It’s designed to help you relax during your procedure. If you have difficulty sitting still, are highly anxious, or have a sensitive gag reflex, IV sedation can remove these barriers so you can receive necessary dental treatment.
Oral sedation uses pills that are swallowed on an empty stomach, IV or (intravenous sedation) drugs are administered directly through the patient’s IV line and results in an immediate response and well controlled sedation.
Most patients have no memory of their procedure when they receive IV sedation. Though this is a conscious form of sedation, you’ll most likely “sleep” through your appointment. You’ll be able to respond to touch and any verbal commands, though you’ll be in a deeply relaxed state.
Most patients have no memory of their procedure when they receive IV sedation. Though this is a conscious form of sedation, you’ll most likely “sleep” through your appointment. You’ll be able to respond to touch and any verbal commands, though you’ll be in a deeply relaxed state.
A prescription anti-anxiety drug is used for both oral and IV sedation.
IV sedation may be recommended in a variety of circumstances. It can be needed for patients that are severely anxious or fearful of the dentist and need more than oral sedation to help them relax. IV sedation is most commonly used for patients who are undergoing a more complex or lengthy dental procedure, such as dental implants, extraction, root canal treatment or a full mouth reconstruction.
Bite splints can help reduce the forces of clenching to protect the teeth and jaws.
According to The Bruxism Association based in the UK, although other treatments such as biofeedback hypnosis, and even botox has been tried to help with teeth grinding, research has shown the most effective treatment to date to be night guards.
You will be pleased to know that your dentist has a snoring solution for you. The cause of snoring is the muscles around the neck, particularly the tongue relaxing at night. As the muscles relax, it is more difficult for the air to pass through the restricted space. When the room becomes too small then the muscles tend to reverberate as the air passes through, this causes the sound known as snoring. Anti-snoring appliance pulls the lower jaw slightly forwards keeping the airway open. If you’re snoring is more severe (possibly sleep apnoea) then, your dentist can refer you to a sleep specialist. This appliance pulls the lower jaw slightly forwards keeping the airway open.
– Overweight
– Nasal Stuffiness
– Late evening alcohol
– Use of night-time sedatives
– Large tonsils
– Smoking
– Hypothyroidism
– Menopause
– Sleeping on your back
Changes in lifestyle to address the risk factors can have a significant impact on the quality of your sleep.
A mouthguard protects your teeth from accidental injury during sports whereas a splint protects your jaw and teeth from the harmful effects of teeth grinding.
For people with mild to moderate sleep apnea, particularly those who sleep on their backs or stomachs, dental devices may improve sleep and reduce the frequency and loudness of snoring.
All our custom mouthguards are made from dental grade soft EVA mouthguard material. Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate (EVA) is a very soft plastic/rubber that easily forms when heated. In addition, the energy absorption properties makes it tough and stress crack resistant. They are latex and BPA free.
This will rarely happen, but the fit will never be known until you pop the finished mouthguard in your mouth. In this case, we’ll try and fast track the production of a new mouthguard so you don’t miss any training sessions or games.
After use, wash your mouthguard in cold water. Use your toothbrush to gently scrub it, removing the saliva and any food debris. A quick rinse in a non-alcoholic mouthwash will help improve the taste and smell of your mouthguard. Do not use toothpaste or solvents which will abrade. Do not clean with hot water or heat as this will distort the shape of the mouthguard.
Hundreds of studies dating back to the 1980s show that compared to having no protection, wearing any type of mouth guard reduces the number of fractured teeth in an impact. According to the ADA, athletes are 60 times more likely to damage their teeth if they don’t wear a mouth guard.

A custom made nightguard costs roughly ten or so times more than a store bought one. However, even with the added premium, they are still well worth the cost. The reason? Comfort, fit, and reliability of the materials used.

Are you bleeding from the mouth? Are you in severe pain? Do you have any loose teeth? Have you been hit in the face or mouth? Do you have any swelling in the mouth or facial area? Do you have any bulges, swelling or knots on your gums?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be having a dental emergency and should call your dentist immediately. It’s important to describe to your dentist exactly what has happened and what you are feeling.

Is it a Dental Emergency? Smoothing a chipped tooth, re-cementing a crown that is not causing pain and composite bonding to repair a tooth are not dental emergencies. Typically, such problems can be dealt with during your dentist’s regular office hours. If you experience extreme pain caused by hot or warm foods or beverages, try drinking ice water. It might relieve the pain. Sip on ice water and hold some in your mouth until you see the dentist.
Because a dental emergency can happen at any time and place, the best thing to do is be prepared and don’t panic. Visit your dentist regularly.
Toothache is often a symptom of underlying dental condition. It is advised to get it checked it as soon as possible.
If you think your jaw is broken apply cold compresses to control the swelling. Go to your dentist or a hospital emergency department immediately.
There are a number of simple precautions you can take to avoid accident and injury to the teeth: Wear a mouthguard when participating in sports or recreational activities. Avoid chewing ice, popcorn kernels and hard candy, all of which can crack a tooth. Use scissors, NEVER your teeth, to cut things.
In the panicked moment in which a dental emergency arises, it can be tough to decide whether to contact your dentist or an emergency room. Our surgery is well-equipped to handle the most serious dental situations. Only visit the ER if you have any of the following:
  • Trouble breathing or swallowing
  • Deep facial cuts profuse bleeding
  • A dislocated or broken jawbone
  If you’re not sure where to go, don’t hesitate to call our surgery first and ask. If you do need to go to the ER, schedule an appointment with us afterward so we can determine whether further treatment is required to restore your smile
You will be expected to fill an ACC42 Dental Injury claim form. Our experienced dental nurse and dentists will then triage and treat your injury. You might need to make follow-up appointments depending on the nature of your injury.
ACC may be able to contribute towards your treatment for dental injury caused by an accident, sporting injury and, where appropriate, as a result of dental treatment. ACC does not cover damage to your teeth due to normal wear and tear. The contribution from ACC towards your dental injury is influenced by the condition of your teeth, type of injury, the state of your teeth before the injury.
ACC no-fault scheme covers everyone, including visitors, who are injured in an accident in New Zealand.
You have to lodge your claim for ACC cover within 12 months after the date of your accident or injury.
ACC doesn’t cover dental claims if : Damage to your teeth or dentures is due to normal wear and tear. Damage happened to your dentures when you were not wearing them. Treatment was carried out by a dental technician.
Dental implants replace the entire structure of your missing tooth: that is, its visible portion as well as the supportive root. Each dental implant is surgically placed beneath the gum line, where the jaw bone grows around the titanium post in the process known as osseointegration. After the dental implant and the bone have integrated together, the post is sturdy enough to support the new tooth for years to come.
The lifespan of a dental implant varies from patient to patient. With proper care and maintenance, implants have been reported to last for over 25 years.
Most people are good candidates for dental implants. Your oral and medical wellbeing determines the success of the procedure.
Yes, implants provide a natural looking replacement that looks and functions like a normal tooth does.
Implants are most popularly used in patients who wear full dentures or partial dentures. Dental implants can be used to provide retention and support for a removable implant over denture, which basically snaps on the implants. Therefore the partial or full denture does not move and reduces the dependency on denture adhesives/denture glue. Or, dental implants can be used for a fixed denture, where a patient’s dentures are fixed/bolted to the implants through titanium components. Only the dentist can remove this from the mouth.
We recommend consulting a dentist to discuss the various options available for you. Hypo-calcification may require fluoride treatments or cements/crowns to fix. Your dentist can advise you on the benefits of bleaching.
Teeth whitening is considered a safe procedure provided you follow the directions for the product and your dentist’s advice. Contact your dentist if you experience any side effects.
You usually will start to see results after your first use. The Whitening products can take up to 14 days of consistent use before displaying the full whitening and brightening potential of bleaching.
You usually will start to see results after your first use. The Whitening products can take up to 14 days of consistent use before displaying the full whitening and brightening potential of bleaching.
Some patients may experience temporary tooth and gum sensitivity after treatment. Many whitening products include desensitising agents to help minimise these symptoms as much as possible. You may be recommended by the dentist to use Fluoride gel to combat the temporary sensitivity.
You need to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day during treatment, but you can take them out for eating, drinking, brushing and contact sports.
Invisalign aligners are made with Smartstage and SmartForce technologies that ensure gradual, gentle, yet effective teeth movement throughout your treatment.
Invisalign aligners move teeth with an appropriate placement of controlled movement on the teeth. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign not only controls the amount of movement per aligner, but also the timing of the movement. So at each stage, only certain teeth are allowed to move, as per the Invisalign treatment plan for that particular stage. This results in an efficient force delivery system that moves teeth into the desired prescribed position.
Patients typically visit us every 4 to 6 weeks to ensure the treatment is progressing as planned, and to receive their next few sets of Invisalign aligners.
No! One of the best parts of the Invisalign system is that you do not have to restrict your diet. The trays are meant to be removed while you eat, so you do not have to worry about damaging them with hard or sticky foods. Keep in mind, though, that you will need to brush your teeth after eating before you put the aligners back in.
No, one set of retainers are included in the cost of the treatment. Any new retainers required due to loss of the provided retainers will incur an additional $300 fees.
Yes, aligners are functional appliances that move teeth and therefore, will be uncomfortable each time they are changed.

It varies between insurance companies. It is best to check with your insurance company.

Approximately 3 to 6 months and the retainers for another 6 months to 1 year. Case dependant.
It’s very rare for Botox treatment to be painful. Most patients only experience a feeling of slight discomfort, if at all, during the treatment itself but that’s all. Rest assured we will talk you through what to expect before your first injection, so you will be fully prepared prior to treatment.
Injections of Botulinum Toxin have very predictable and reliable outcomes with few side effects. Minor side effects may include redness, soreness, swelling, bruising, at the site of the injection.
It varies depends on each individual, please talk to our dentist about it. After standard treatment is given, we need to review each patient and decide whether more top-up is needed. It is very individual-based and tailer for each patient.
Yes, it is ok to go back to work. Don’t rub or massage the treated area for 24 hours.
Botulinum Toxin Type A is pharmaceutical grade purified protein derived from the bacteria Clostridium Botulinum- brand names include Botox and Dysport.
The rejuvenative effects of Botox may take up to two weeks to become fully apparent, and they can often last for at least 6 months. To maintain ideal results, touch-up treatments can be received on a periodic basis.
A smile makeover can correct just about any aesthetic concern that you may have with your teeth. Common examples included teeth that are: Chipped, Cracked, Missing, Crooked, Uneven.
It is equally important to have a clear picture of what to expect once treatment starts. Patients should discuss how long each treatment takes, and how long it takes to see results. For example, teeth whitening can produce dramatic results after a single treatment, while braces can take up to two years to correct alignment issues.
A wide range of cosmetic procedures is incorporated into smile makeover treatment plans, including porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, dental bonding, and gum contouring. Some patients also undergo orthodontic treatment with Invisalign or traditional braces.
This will depend on the specific features of your teeth, gums, and jaw, and which of these features you would like to change. During your initial consultation, you and your dentist can discuss the various options suited to your need.
The most effective way to maintain the results of your smile makeover is to exercise good oral hygiene habits. Brushing and flossing your teeth daily and attending regular office visits can keep your teeth looking strong and vibrant for years to come. You can also minimize dental staining by avoiding dark-colored foods, such as wine, tea, and coffee.
Anyone who would like to improve the look of his or her smile.
If you have minor cosmetic issues with your teeth, veneers can correct mild crowding, chips, and cracks. If you want to cover the stained teeth, veneers can cover mild to moderate discoloured teeth.
The color of your veneers is completely customized to match the rest of your teeth. Some patients choose to whiten the rest of their teeth before they receive veneers to achieve an overall whiter smile.
Porcelain veneers should never stain. However, if your teeth have a propensity to stain you should try to avoid or minimize the behaviors that lead to staining and look after them as recommended above with normal hygiene and maintenance procedures.
There is no higher incidence of decay provided the veneers are properly cared for as previously mentioned with god oral hygiene practices. In general, it is good dental advice to keep your sugar consumption low and confined to meal times to prevent decay.
Porcelain veneers are extremely durable and do not need to be replaced unless they are damaged. In the unfortunate event the veneer cracks or breaks it will have to be replaced.
People choose to get bridges for a variety of reasons. They may wish to have them fitted for aesthetic reasons or need them to restore the ability to chew and speak optimally.
Missing teeth always have to be replaced. If they are not, then the teeth that remain will begin to crowd into the gap, and this can lead to a bad bite as well as difficulty maintaining proper oral hygiene. Dental bridges not only restore your bite, they help to maintain the positions of the adjacent teeth.
Caring for your dental bridge is as important as caring for your natural teeth. Interdental brush, super floss and regular dental checkups play an important role in the long-term success of your bridge.
This is simple! Do your best to keep up with consistent preventive care. This means practising consistent daily dental hygiene, including brushing and super floss. It also means visiting us for cleanings and checkups with the frequency we suggest – most patients should see us once every six months.

No, a dental bridge is called a “fixed” dental prosthetic.

• We will take radiographs(x-rays) of your teens teeth to monitor development and detect any issues early on.
• We will clean the teeth, where necessary, and discuss brushing and flossing techniques.
• We will examine their teeth, answer any questions that you may have and recommend any future treatment that may be needed.
• We may also discuss age-appropriate treatment for your teens, such as sealants or fluoride for the prevention of cavities or orthodontic care.

During the appointment, we can answer any concerns that you may have regarding your child’s tooth development, orthodontics, recommended food or products, wisdom teeth eruption.
We are contracted with Auckland Regional Dental Services to provide free dental care for when your child starts year 9 up until their 18th birthday.
Your child has to be a resident or citizen of New Zealand to be enrolled for free dental care.
Unfortunately, orthodontics is not covered under the free teen dental service.
Yes, impacted and painful Wisdom tooth extraction is included in the service if your child is under 18 years old.
Children under 13 are seen by a dental therapist in free community dental clinics. Once they start high school, year 9, you must ensure that they are now enrolled with a dentist so they can have a yearly check-up done and also discuss good dental habits that can last a lifetime.

We believe in affordable speciality dental care for all.