Important brushing tips for a healthy smile.

There is a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss and mouth rinse.

Here are some important brushing tips for a healthy smile. As many of us know brushing twice a day, as well as flossing is really important for our oral health.  Once these steps become a habit, they are easy to maintain and integrate into your daily routine. Sometimes, tasks that become a habit can also become automatic, causing us to stop considering the way in which we do a repetitive action. It is important to sometimes take a step back and revaluate how we are brushing to make sure we are doing the most thorough job we can to keep our teeth and mouth clean and happy. If you would like to brush up on your brushing techniques, keep on reading to see if you are making any of these common errors.

  • Time

Brushing for a short period of time is better than not brushing at all, but it is not a good habit to get into. The recommended time for brushing is two minutes each morning and night. A thirty-second brush will not do a satisfactory job removing food debris and plaque. Over time minimal brushing could lead to tooth decay and other oral health problems. If needed, set a timer on your phone so you get in your full two minutes of brushing, or you could consider an electric toothbrush that has a built-in timer.

  • Sharing is NOT caring

Although it may seem like a kind gesture and the right thing to do sharing your toothbrush, it really is not a great idea. Sharing your toothbrush is a good example of a bad habit that can negatively affect your oral health. The discussion among couples over whether or not sharing a toothbrush is gross, well we are here today to tell you that it is absolutely something to be avoided. It is best to let everyone use their own. Sharing a toothbrush with someone leaves you vulnerable to all sorts of oral and general problems. Viruses like the flu can stay alive on a surface for multiple hours and sharing a toothbrush with someone who has an oral infection can cause you to develop the same.

  • Change your toothbrush or toothbrush head

A common error people make is that they do not replace their toothbrush or toothbrush head often enough. A toothbrush or toothbrush head only has a lifespan of about three months or showing signs of wear, but many people use theirs for a lot longer than this. If the bristles are worn and are fraying then they do not do a thorough job clearing plaque and food debris away. This means you are not getting the deep clean your teeth and mouth really needs. Most dentists recommend using the change of seasons as a cue to get a new toothbrush or toothbrush head.

  • Overdoing it

Another common error people make is brushing too hard. While it may seem like brushing with a firm grip and harsh strokes gets plaque and foods debris away, it can essentially wear away your protective layer of enamel and cause gums to recede. Even and gentle strokes are best to ensure you are clearing away all the plaque while also treating your teeth with kindness. Avoid firm bristled toothbrushes or toothbrush heads as these can cause more damage than good. We recommend a soft-bristled or sensitive head toothbrush, as these are just right for clearing away plaque and food.